Automating your air cargo customs compliance services
How to simplify your Advance Cargo Information (ACI) for operational efficiency
With over 100 countries requiring Advance Cargo Information (ACI), one would expect a solution for speedy and reliable compliance with these rules to be easy to find. However, with differing messaging requirements and rules, this could be harder than one thinks.
While ACI is a standardized process set by the World Customs Organization's SAFE framework, the rest of the air cargo supply chain uses a variety of protocols to communicate. These bits of information are needed to identify high-risk cargo prior to loading and/or arrival by WCO members. In this regard the WCO SAFE harmonizes the ACI information requirements for inbound, outbound, and transit shipments by providing the WCO Data Model, to ensure compatibility with cross-border regulators and international organizations. This streamlines and simplifies the clearance process for both customs authorities and the shipper.

How to select the right customs compliance solution
Many airlines and ground handling agents file ACI for customs authorities manually. Especially when only operating a fairly small set of routes. However, often our clients find that the manual approach is limited in scalability and not efficient enough for a growth and expansion strategy.
Streamline your ACI Customs Reporting
Improve and streamline ACI Customs Reporting with Traxon Global Customs. It is a one-stop-shop solution with large coverage, of 60+ countries and still growing and fast implementation for airlines, GHAs and GSAs.

How can Traxon Global Customs help
In a world of ever-tighter import, export, and transit controls, our Traxon Global Customs makes providing Advanced Customs Information quick, efficient and easy. Traxon Global Customs lets information be exchanged with various country customs authorities regardless of format, communications protocols, or processing rules.
How Turkish Cargo Benefits from Traxon Global Customs
Turkish Cargo uses TGC to benefit its daily business by serving to benefit its daily business through Customs Authorities around the world. TGC not only expedites customs clearance, but the software also provides TK with useful business intelligence leading to better visibility on time, and saves employees the monotonous task of manually inputting thousands of eAWBs every month

Customers using Traxon Global Customs

Top 5 most important countries to be covered for customs filing
Global trade simply cannot exist without automated customs filing. Solutions like TGC help airlines, ground handling agents, and other stakeholders in the air cargo supply chain move freight seamlessly across borders and avoid costly delays in shipments that are also on a rush delivery basis.