Customer Testimonials

Worldwide Flight Services valuing the ability to deploy the right technologies

Written by Nick Barlow | Jul 16, 2023 4:45:00 PM

With the advancement of technology and the need for efficiency, cargo handling operations and warehouses have become increasingly complex.

To meet these challenges, companies like Worldwide Flight Services are turning to digitalization. They understand the importance of scalable and flexible solutions that can adapt to the ever-evolving business needs and industry changes. That's where CHAMP comes in. CHAMP's expertise in anticipating their needs has been invaluable for Worldwide Flight Services.

By utilizing Cargospot's open technologies including the API Gateway, they have been able to streamline operations, connect with new technologies in the warehouse, and build data platforms for internal and customer use. This partnership has truly revolutionized cargo handling and is paving the way for a more efficient and connected future.

Adam Brownson from Worldwide Flight Services on CHAMP's expertise to anticipate their needs


I'm Adam Brownson from Worldwide Flight Services. I work with our Global Cargo and Ground Handling Business to help select and deploy the right technologies. 

We really value our relationships with the technical team who are able to they really understand our business uh deeply and they can anticipate our needs. Cargospot is central to our journey and our partnership with CHAMP really helps us deploy the right technologies and move forward such as using the API Gateway connecting with new technologies in the warehouse and helping build data platforms to share internally and with our customers.
