
Customer Testimonials

Swissport on the value of open communications

In an industry that very much operates 24/7, technology plays a vital role. Find out what Swissport values the most in its long-term partnership with CHAMP and what makes it so successful. Swissport have been leveraging Cargospot Handling & Cargospot Mobile to help deliver best in class cargo handling services to all their customers. Jussi Lemola.

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Cathay Cargo on the value of a strong cargo management provider

Ingrid Lee, the head of the cargo digital department at Cathay Cargo, understands the importance of future-proof technologies in pursuing digitization opportunities across the entire cargo business. She emphasizes the need for a great cargo management system as the foundation for this digitalization journey. With a long-term vision of digitizing.

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Worldwide Flight Services valuing the ability to deploy the right technologies

With the advancement of technology and the need for efficiency, cargo handling operations and warehouses have become increasingly complex. To meet these challenges, companies like Worldwide Flight Services are turning to digitalization. They understand the importance of scalable and flexible solutions that can adapt to the ever-evolving business.

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LOT Polish Airlines valuing the highly personal and excellent contact with CHAMP

In 2009, LOT Polish Airlines Cargo and CHAMP embarked on a joint journey that is built on trust and excellent communications. One of the key decisive factors for partnering with CHAMP were for the cargo management system to be more efficient, available on more platforms, easy to manage and scale for the future in line with LOT Cargo's ever.

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ITA Airways Cargo valuing the frank relationship with CHAMP

Furthermore, ITA highlights the importance of trust in their long-term relationship with CHAMP. CHAMP couldn't agree more. Trust - a simple four-letter word - yet probably the most important attribute in any relationship. Trust is not always easy to gain and is fragile at all times - it can easily be broken. It really is the foundation for.

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ECS Group appreciating the dedication from CHAMP's technical and business teams

As the world's leading GSSA for the air cargo industry, ECS Group embraces digitalization to continuously deliver the ultimate customer experience. The relationship with CHAMP goes back two decades and is built on true dedication from all parties involved. Frederic Mouza from ECS Group on enabling better collaboration across both groups with.

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Swissport valuing CHAMP's customer-centricity

Transforming warehouse operations in the air cargo industry and achieving paperless in the warehouse is a huge task. Find out how Swissport's partnership with CHAMP helped achieve their objectives and what makes the relationship stand out most for Priscila Marques - Manager Global Operations. Swissport have been leveraging Cargospot Handling for.

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Gulf Air on the value of an honesty-based partnership with CHAMP

Gulf Air and CHAMP have enjoyed a long-term relationship, with many different projects across CHAMP's extensive air cargo portfolio. Wael Mattar values the honesty in his relationship with CHAMP and the CHAMP team, like many other clients too. He also highlights CHAMP's speed to respond to the airline's requirements. The CHAMP people take great.

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Icelandair Cargo valuing CHAMP's unique range of offering

Icelandair Cargo has been a CHAMP customer for several decades. With requirements in the aviation and air cargo industry evolving regularly, it's only natural for needs to change for all stakeholders involved. With this is mind, Icelandair Cargo values the most as part of their long-term relationship with CHAMP, its unique range of air cargo.

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