Customer Testimonials

Icelandair Cargo valuing CHAMP's unique range of offering

Written by Nick Barlow | Jul 15, 2023 7:33:00 AM

Icelandair Cargo has been a CHAMP customer for several decades.  With requirements in the aviation and air cargo industry evolving regularly, it's only natural for needs to change for all stakeholders involved.

With this is mind, Icelandair Cargo values the most as part of their long-term relationship with CHAMP, its unique range of air cargo solutions, going end-to-end across the entire air cargo value chain. 

In addition to its cargo management applications (Cargospot), CHAMP also offers eCargo services including electronic data exchange, premium tracking and customs or security compliance including ICS2, as well as Insights services.

Icelandair Cargo on the value of an ever expanding service offering


My name Bertel Ólafsson. I work for Icelandair and I am Cargo Solutions Manager. Probably goes back to as early as 1989 with with the former incarnation of SITA called SITA cargo so we've been a customer ever since.

Seeing the portfolio of applications growing so they have like application for every aspect of the cargo cargo business, core applications and with additional applications for customs and security.
