Customer Testimonials

LOT Polish Airlines valuing the highly personal and excellent contact with CHAMP

Written by Colin D. McInnes | Jul 16, 2023 3:30:00 PM

In 2009, LOT Polish Airlines Cargo and CHAMP embarked on a joint journey that is built on trust and excellent communications.

One of the key decisive factors for partnering with CHAMP were for the cargo management system to be more efficient, available on more platforms, easy to manage and scale for the future in line with LOT Cargo's ever evolving needs.

Maciej Radzik, LOT Polish Airlines Cargo, on speedy communications and opportunities to co-create


My name is Maciej Radzik. I'm Cargo Operations and Sales Systems Development Manager for Polish Airlines Cargo and I'm from Chicago.

We started with CHAMP in 2009 that's when we switched to Cargospot. It was time to move on and since then basically we've been using Cargospot which was a huge improvement over the previous system.

We wanted a system that was more up to date that was more efficient, available on more platforms since the old system was just being phased out and it was definitely more limited, required more resources and just something more up to date basically.

The fact that CHAMP is a global company but I don’t feel like I’m just one of the clients. It’s actually a very personal approach I have absolutely excellent contact with the support team whenever we need anything.

It’s I get instant answers and I like playing with new things so we were approached about participating in the new project CHAMP neo.

Additional information

For more details, please visit our cargo management page.
