What is this all about?
Mali Customs has announced the implementation of electronic Advance Cargo Information (ACI) requirements using Asycuda standards, as mandatory as of 2 March 2020. Carriers are responsible for filing import and transit information in advance of the flight arrival at the destination, for both short-haul and long-haul flights. The source data are Master Air Waybill (MAWB) and House Air Waybill (HAWB).
What do I need to do to comply?
All airlines are solely responsible for the transmission of data (Master Air Waybill & House Air Waybill).
How can CHAMP help?
CHAMP is offering a filing service compliant with Mali Customs’ mandatory requirements via our Traxon Global Customs (TGC) platform for our airline and GHA clients.
What do I need to do to connect to TGC?
Carriers only need to send their IATA Cargo-IMP FWB, FFM messages to the CHAMP TGC service on flight departure and then TGC will take care of the rest – connecting to Customs and filing the correct customs messages on time using the Cargo-IMP message data supplied by the carrier. You will need to provide flight schedule information to CHAMP but that is part of the TGC solution offering.
How do I find out more? Just contact your local CHAMP Service or Sales Manager, or email marketing@champ.aero for details to sign you up for TGC Mali Customs filing service.